Congratulations, you are taking a great step towards better health & wellness!

Doctor Notification Policy:

It is common practice for naturopaths, nutritionists, and other non-licensed practitioners to get your agreement on a liability waiver form such as this. By doing so you acknowledge that it is your responsibility to deliver all test results, now and in the future, to your own physician for any medical interpretation or opinion regarding any laboratory results provided by Kaykon or it’s affiliates. By using Kaykon’s services you agree that you will receive a nutritional interpretation of the test results from the Kaykon Team that is to be used exclusively by you as an educational tool for personal health purposes. However, your personal physician may use these same test results to diagnose and treat disease. 

The information on Kaykon’s web sites and other media are believed to be extremely accurate, but such accuracy cannot be guaranteed by Kaykon, their independent representatives, associates and affiliates as we are not the originators of the underlying data used in the interpretation. You hereby release Kaykon from any liability for injury or loss arising out of the use of, or reliance on, the test results and/or the dietary, supplement and lifestyle suggestions provided. Before making any changes to the exercise, diet or nutritional or hormonal supplementation of the undersigned, a physician should be consulted.

The Kaykon Team do not diagnose, cure or treat any illness or disease. Out of reference laboratory reference range results will be indicated on the official lab result form provided by Kaykon from a State Certified Laboratory to yourself. This information is not intended to, cannot, and should not be expected to substitute for a personal consultation with your own physician. Further, you release Kaykon, their lab partners, independent representatives, associates and affiliates from any and all liability for any failure to identify any medical condition or disease. It is understood and agreed that this is not the purpose of their services.